As single moms we have to do what we have to do in every aspect of our lives to generate income and have a healthy social life to sustain our mental strengths in reference to juggle bills, babies, employment, and people. All of which will exhaust even the professional organizer. Sometimes, the human body will overload or overwhelm. My experience as a single mom vary from a high of desire to be out on the town to no desire to be bothered at all. Single motherhood is a give and take commitment to empower and educate. However, I acquired the knowledge to balance my energy so that it is equal between myself and the world to prevent the feel of burnout when it is time to focus on what matters.
Accept the reality of motherhood- the world will mold itself. Motherhood does not come with a manual! The beginning phase of motherhood will be rough. If you have love ones to navigate motherhood with you, trust me you are blessed! Join a social group, have play dates, girl's night in or out, and spa day to keep your mind in stimulation beyond your child's age. In retrospect, I past a couple of years just my children and myself (strictly QT time between us) and my behavior showed. My children's language became my language. We would have little bouts that would cause me to mentally shrink! I have to admit, quality time at 7,8,9,10 years old was fun while transition in growth milestones continue.
I owe a lot of gratitude to my family who help me with my children as I take on the world of responsibilies. If any priority suddenly changes it will be a snow ball effect: bills past due, lack of motivation, cocoon from the world, unable to deal with difficult personalities. Get my drift? As a single mom the most important thing to stay afloat is to be positive because there are so many negatives that will out way the good. It is important to surround yourself with positive giving people and not giving as in items or money but giving such as a prayer or kind jester, people who pour into you and not take.
Unfortunately, there are times when priority does suddenly change which is why a support system is important. Now, remember I am a woman, I can't speak for the single fathers out there but for the absent fathers the excuses are redundant. Focus on the good and over time the bad will be outweighed. As the saying goes, "Only time can heal," The word single will be just another term.
- Participate in paid surveys
- Sell unwanted or too small clothes
- Yard sales or online sells
- Protect the least suspectable items in your pocession with insurance
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