The uterus distinguishes female versus male- the uterus is important to the reproductive system to conceive life. In today's world of the 20th century, gender identity is difficult to differ because of transgender acceptance and proud homosexuality relationships. I am confident in the future homosexual partners will have gained access to artificial wombs that operate to carry by the transgender and function as a natural given gift of the female reproductive system.
Dear Woman:
As your best friend I have noticed a decline in your faith of your feminine capabilities. You have weeded your garden to produce beautiful flowers to no avail. My function is to nourish the flower for 9 months but I remain hollow after every weed. Consider your daily activities, eating habits, counterproductive mates, media intake, social preferences, environment, emotions, mental health, and venereal status to enhance your garden.
Our ancient medicine would agree to mate within our genealogical existence for best produce. I understand in the 20th century your eyes have gaze among territory unknown- your mind has broaden. You have discovered more than European and African mankind. Through dates or even friendships you have discovered gender binary, gender preference, gender alienation, or genderless. All of which have made your plow difficult to keep weeds out. Dating have become competitive in ways options are to hysterectomy your garden, allow your garden to ferment, or remain hollow. I am 8 center meters long, 5 center meters across and 4 center meters thick. As healthy as I am you feel my contractions when love is present; however, you choose weeds because flowers are a garden. I am watered every month for 5 days straight. Before you blame yourself evaluate your counterproductive mate is as true to his garden as you are to your garden.