Family are people who have direct impact and influence on our daily lives rather intentionally or unintentionally that provide world view foundations. The wall humpty dumpty sat on represents family. Family provides steady support, continuous love, distinct characteristics, basic decision-making skills, and predetermination of our future. Too much of a fight against family ideas will lead to determine status within the family. When families are together families are wolves. Togetherness is a sign of strength. If strength is used incorrectly strength is perceived as predatory behavior. For example, two siblings have a disagreement at a family reunion. The disagreement turned into an argument that caught the attention of another family member. At this time the family member unintentionally chose a side in the sibling's disagreement. The family member revealed the status of the favorable sibling by choice of side which indicated the predatorial behavior towards the sheep in the family. Wolves are not always correct or knowledgeable, but a wolf's status is what makes a wolf. Sheep are not always incorrect or uninformed, but a sheep's truth is what makes a sheep.
Close friends are people who are more involved in our desires. The king's horses and the king's men represent close friends. Close friends provide emotional support, acceptance, adventure, fantasy, inconsistent moral guidance, and a sense of protection. When close friends break relationship with each other a domino effect can form causing confusion amongst the group. Friends have an ideology that is direct selfishness of other friends such as: I am her friend not your friend. You are her friend not my friend. You came with her not me. I don't know you. The sad truth about these statements are the statements are complete myths. If a friend is around long enough to be a close friend personalities have meshed and relationships have formed. Meaning, combined energies or vibes are showcased throughout the friendship of each individual friend. If a friend is friends with a friend, then you are all in existence of willful exchanged friendships. Friends are not always available, but friends are always audiences of all causes.
Loved ones are people who have established a waived position in our lives. The great fall represents loved ones. Loved ones provide happiness, security, love, delivered promises, structure, and affirmation. When loved ones disappear disruption is sounded as the damage resulted from humpty dumpty's great fall. Even if loved ones is present in human form but is no longer loved ones it is equivalent to a disappearance or a death because the mental components the loved one provided is no longer a resource. Ultimately, the disappearance of loved ones' resource is a clear indicator of wolves. The death of loved ones are 'loved ones' pronoun turned into 'this'. Love is unconditional. Which means, there is not a reason to loved one just love. It is rare to come across such relationship because traditionally family are the people who provide the essence of the loved ones.
When the end of a relationship has presented the damage caused will determine your world view. It is your decision to continue to live life before the end of relationships the same as after the relationship. To live life the same after destruction is the same as a relapse of any addiction because the same form will present through different people or makeshift. The irony of betrayal and deceit in family, close friends, and loved ones are designed for your greater good according to how you govern yourself.
MommyNMeTours 💋