Perhaps, it is your lucky day, all you have are pennies from the savings jar. One hundred pennies can make $1.00 because .1¢ is exactly one coin until added to another coin. For example, .1¢+.1¢= .2¢. Pennies are of one value which is why pennies are always good luck. Be careful how you lay a penny but pay attention to the penny you pick up off the ground. I am not a big fan of superstition or voodoo but once a fool always a fool.
.1¢*.1¢= .1¢
.1¢*100= $1.00
100/.1¢= $1.00
How about dimes? 10 dimes make $1.00. Dimes are .10¢, this is where money get fun. Dimes are the smallest cash form, but the impact of a dollar is less of a hand full of pennies. Let's observe: .10¢+.10¢+.10¢+.10¢+.10¢=.50¢, half of one dollar. Repeat the math sequence to equal $1.00.
What about those nickels? Nickels are like buttons. Nickels are all in by 5 percent increase. 20 nickels, one by one, form $1.00. Nickels are best counted in groups of five.
.5¢+.5¢= .10¢, .10¢+.5¢= .15¢, .15¢+5= .20¢, .20¢+5= .25¢, .25¢+5= .30¢,.30¢+5= .35¢, .35¢+5= .40¢, .40¢+5= .45¢, .45¢+5= .50¢, .50¢+5= .55¢, .55¢+5= .60¢, .60¢+5= .65¢, .65¢+5= .70¢, .70¢+5= .75¢, .75¢+5= .80¢, .80¢+5= .85¢, .85¢+5= .90¢, .90¢+5= .95¢, .95¢+5= $1.00:
ALL IN! By .5¢ a person is either over amount or under amount. This is the true meaning of "make your money work for you."- Thank you!
One-dollar bill fabrics are made of cotton material to remind cash handlers of the contributions that enemies used to strengthen against destruction.
MONEY, MONEY, MONEY: it makes the world go 'round. Why not "around"? "A" alone means no. Why would I not want my world to orbit, "'round" is correct knowledge of money hoarders.
When I was a little girl, I used to help my dad case all the coins he had saved that were accumulated by shopping transactions. My dad began to trust me with money by permission to shop the corner store with single bills. My favorite corner store had a buffet of candy priced from .5¢ to .25¢. I would request, "I will like .50¢ worth of candy." I would walk out the corner store feeling rich with a brown paper bag full of variety sweets for picnics.
In fact, my last memory of buying bulks of candy was for my little brother and sister. I left the house for the store after planning for a family picnic and did not return until evening. That was my first adventure away from home so long. I was ready, I had jumped off the front porch, life began.
All the accessories that swayed about the streets gleamed. I had several in my toy room, but at the time I had no idea the purpose served from purses and wallets. After learning from the smooth cats, I began to carry a purse or a cute wallet. Before I left the house, I ensured I had $1.00 in cash and coins. This was a part of my savings hack. The change received from dollar transactions would go in a piggy bank. I would use different coins to make $1.00 just in case I needed to even my purchase to eliminate change, I didn't have enough cash to complete a purchase, or exact extra money in case my friend needed to borrow .20¢. Nevertheless, I learned the stretch of $1.
MommyNMeTours 💋