Betrayal and deceit are ironic descriptions used to describe family members, close friends, and loved one(s). Unfortunately, such descriptions exist with an overwhelming amount of pain that sulk sheep in wolves clothing. By nature, wolves travel in packs hunting smaller prey to satisfy an immediate hunger. By nature, sheep are hurdled in packs to be stripped of their dignity. How does sheep and wolves intertwine in the first place? According to the food chain sheep and wolves do not intertwine. In reference, family, close friends, or loved one(s) become an enemy. Extreme? As painful as a heartbreak is when the in-between matter that hold relationships together no longer exist. I'll give you a hint you are near the end of a relationship: "Humpty dumpty sat on the wall, humpty dumpty had a great fall, all the king's horses and the king's men could not put humpty together again."-L. Frank Baum How do you give an analysis of sheep in wolves clothing to humpty dumpty...