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Sample Review II

     Sample Review I were beginner methods to earn passive income. Sample Review II are bigger ticket items; however, the same beginner methods utilized in Sample Review I to provide extra money for MommyNMeTours first tour. Let us review Sample Review I methods:  DO NOT SELL OR DONATE NON-REUSABLE ITEMS. DO NOT SELL OR DONATE RUIN ITEMS. IF YOU DID NOT PURCHASE THE ITEM WITH RIPS AND BLEACH STAINS THE ITEM IS RUIN NOT HANDMADE! DISCUSS ITEMS TO SELL WITH ALL PARTICIPATES TO PREVENT SOUR RELATIONSHIPS. DISCUSS ITEMS TO SELL WITH ALL PARTICIPATES TO ENSURE PURPOSE OF REUSE IS UNATTACHED. MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR TRANACTIONS: STORE CREDIT, OPPORTUNITY TO SELL, BUY UNCOMMON ITEMS, OR BARGIN. CONSIGNMENT SHOPS ARE PACKED OF FUN ITEMS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. BE CAREFUL, WONDERLAND DOES EXIST!      When MommyNMeTours launched Hand-me-down Consignments , MommyNMeTours was not expecting to sell or donate items as soon as MommyNMeTours posted to Facebook. I...

MommyNMe to MommyNMeBeach

MOMMYNME BEACH      Exercise is a great mechanism tool to use besides the purpose of weight management. Exercise offers energy neutralizers, self-control, and healthy metabolism, and helps balance a busy schedule. Why not imagine a fantasy destination to ease the anticipation of the ultimate goal? If you are anything like me, the beach is the fantasy destination to reward workout accomplishments. The ultimate goal in MommyNMeTours Beach is to lose weight and tone figure shape.      Feel free to contact   MommyNMeTours  or  Let's Chat to obtain personalized  MommyNMe Beach Worksheets . Visit the  BMI calculator  to check your body mass fat ratio for a total health record. Do not hesitate to mention the code word 'password' in the comments below to unlock your body goals. According to  2023 body goals all information recorded on the  MommyNMe Dashboard  is to lose 10 pounds by tone of arms, breast, neck, and jawli...


Available 12/01/2023 Friday-Saturday 2:30 PM- 5:30 PM Join MommyNMeTours chat for first dibs in Hand-Me-Down Consignments, sight seeing, vacation reviews, store reviews, explorations and many more.  To join the video meeting, click this link: Let's Chat πŸ’‹  To join by phone instead, dial (US) +1 505-738-3842 and enter this PIN: 479 135 698#                 

The Best of Us Girls

Tomboy behavior is a girl who mimics the men in the tomboy's life. A small number of girls outgrow the tomboy behavior while others grow and nurture in the masculine state. Mothers of tomboys would argue a traumatic event has occured. Fathers of tomboys would argue a tomboy is a telltale of what transpired in the father's absence. All tomboys are not the same. Let's review some obnoxious assumptions:  🌸The typical tomboy perception is a call for attention to one self by being abnormally different than the standard girl. 🌸 The average tomboy's life result in suicide because the masculine state starve the mental arousal of the feminine intellect. 🌸 Tomboys are sneaky and used their upbringing or how tomboys became as an argument to justify any questionable behavior. 🌸 Unfaithful men love tomboys. After all, who doesn't want a practical live-in mate that the wife has knowingly consented to live in the home as a weird looking guy. Men always have it their way.  🌸 T...

News that is Not My Own

πŸ’‹πŸŒΈπŸ’‹πŸŒΈπŸ’‹πŸŒΈπŸ’‹πŸŒΈπŸ’‹πŸŒΈπŸ’‹πŸŒΈπŸ’‹πŸŒΈπŸ’‹πŸŒΈ Share your thoughts and opinions. πŸ’‹πŸŒΈπŸ’‹πŸŒΈπŸ’‹πŸŒΈπŸ’‹πŸŒΈπŸ’‹πŸŒΈπŸ’‹πŸŒΈπŸ’‹πŸŒΈπŸ’‹πŸŒΈ Enjoy: Exhausted Dating, Try these Pointers πŸ€” TTYL, MommyNMeToursπŸ’‹

Nursery Rhymes to the Rescue

Betrayal and deceit are ironic descriptions used to describe family members, close friends, and loved one(s). Unfortunately, such descriptions exist with an overwhelming amount of pain that sulk sheep in wolves clothing. By nature, wolves travel in packs hunting smaller prey to satisfy an immediate hunger. By nature, sheep are hurdled in packs to be stripped of their dignity. How does sheep and wolves intertwine in the first place? According to the food chain sheep and wolves do not intertwine. In reference, family, close friends, or loved one(s) become an enemy. Extreme? As painful as a heartbreak is when the in-between matter that hold relationships together no longer exist. I'll give you a hint you are near the end of a relationship:  "Humpty dumpty sat on the wall, humpty dumpty had a great fall, all the king's horses and the king's men could not put humpty together again."-L. Frank Baum  How do you give an analysis of sheep in wolves clothing to humpty dumpty...